Monday, March 20, 2023

spiritual promptings

As I am focusing on choices, I think alot on the topic of revelation and prompting of the spirit.

As illustrated in the story of Moses and the children of Israel escaping the Egyptians, we have red sea moments. A miracle is needed and it is NEEDED immediately. But, often intervention is proceeded by faith, which in this story is evidenced by action.

I was listening to a talk by Elder Bednar where he notes that most inSPIRation/revelation comes in unrecognizable ways at the time... so we ought not wait for the miracle, so to speak, but act expecting the best outcome. This impresses me because a most common question is "was that still small voice just my own thoughts?" And well, it stands to reason that if you are aware of a still small voice in the first place, your thoughts are likely in the process of emulating God already so they probably would be the same.

In situations where your own thoughts differ but you mistake them for being the best choice, well, my experience is that if you get something wrong on a test you learn better than if you had gotten it right..... oh that reminds me of another story: