I think the very thought I am about to share is the thing that causes the most concern in others and fear in myself, because it us not entirely understood and when something seems odd or no explainable, but exists it gets that emotion. My daughter and I decided that was why people like Horror genre.
OK, so Joseph and St. Patrick were warned in a dream, and it became the basis for what they did, how their story unfolded and came to be considered inspirational, and we accept it easily.
Joseph Smith had a message, but it wasn't in a dream, and the world hates him and rejects his story. Many individuals had previously explained that Joseph Smith saw an angel alright, but it was the devil, who appeared as an angel of light. Ok. Obviously, I will not dispute with them nor attempt to explain why despite those remarks I believe his gospel, but this morning a song kept playing in my mind and I had often considered why it was important to "discern the spirits" (doctrine & covenants 129). The song was "Entangled" by Àrstiđir, and it got me thinking about how difficult it must be to tell them apart, and so I wanted to share a way, not unique, of how to know if what you are being taught is true.
I already shared the sure fire way, from the scriptures, but many might get all upset that it was revealed by a questionable source in the first place, that in itself is intriguing. Because, my notion was to ask, like an actor or actress, "what is this character's motivation". And so, why would the devil reveal a way to determine if he was from God? We know that another great way to tell a thing is by it's fruits. But, ultimately, I think it all boils down to what your purpose is in the first place, then the thing becomes good and better and ultimately best when it lines up with what you are aiming for.
In college I used a metaphor of a golfer to explain to a friend why I didn't do a thing. But didn't think it was wrong for others. I explained that it depended on which hole I was aiming for. It seems my destination is more difficult and definitely more difficult than those who do not have a goal. In those cases anywhere they hit the ball is alright, so if they hit a sand trap it would not be as terrible as if I landed my ball in one, and yet if I stayed focused I could still reach my goal it would just be harder. But what I really wanted to convey about that conversation was that I was aiming for a difficult hole when there were others which were easier and obvious that were right in front of me, so sometimes my choices were harder and different but if the reward was to land in a hole, each would be happy regardless of the hardship, but I was trying for a more difficult hole and I knew it. Blah, blah, blah.
The whole point is if a thing helps you reach your goal it is good, and navigating is hard whether you know where you are going or not. But, let me explain really quick why the notion of the devil telling Joseph Smith how to tell the spirits apart is just preposterous. That would assume that same spirit would be teaching Joseph all about his goal including pitfals or stumbling blocks which would impede him, making no person actually an agent unto himself or able to choose if a thing was a pitfal or not, and then with this revelation he would teach that of utmost importance was having agency, or the ability to choose incorrectly and repent.
This brings me back to how similar True and false are.
Often we are deceived by truth, mingled with one tiny lie. I think of how they say one bad apple spoils the bunch, or how if you see mold on a thing do not si.ply cut off the visually damaged part because more will have been corrupted. Is it not true that if someone told us an obvious lie we should not believe him, but if someone told us all truth, but one little lie as part of it, we would more easily accept it. I see this with terms and conditions that people agree to, they agree with everything they read assuming they agree with everything g, including the "fine print" which basically undoes everything promised.or that is a mean of getting a bill into law in congress by placing it along with other ring that will easily be passed into law, hoping no one will notice what else has been sneaked on there.... oh I need to motivate my family now, nearly time for school. Cheers!