Listening to music does it every time. I used to just listen, then I started to feel it, and now I think a whole lot, maybe too much about the lyrics. While I was trapped in deep consideration a thought peeped out like the emerging shoot that proceeds anything that was once a seed.
I think about how thankful I am to have been raised by parents who taught me correct principles and grandparents who taught me to question everything and scrutinize verbally. I so miss the way my grandparents would talk about and consider things, that part of them truly lives on in me, I think it us why I am able to cling so tightly to the gospel as taught by the church of Jesus Christ while everyone around me or I look up to buckets under such pressure. Due to my upbringing, such questioning/questions strengthened me and push me on to a less obvious or harder to find truth, that can only be found through bouts of pure faith.
This morning, I was thinking about a thing my SS* teacher asked once about enduring to the end. I combined it with one of my father's favorite songs that repeats over and again that "there is no end... " I laugh to remember my brother adding an additional lyric of, "there is no end to this song." One time when we sang it for FHE**. Anyhow, I was wondering why we were ever headed towards a goal only to realize there is another goal. It makes alot of sense on some level.I thought in terms of Geometry and how younger folk assume any ray has a destination, and how important segments are to understanding trajectory (purpose). Now, I could speak about the paradox I like about how we could never actually move or touch one another because there is an infinite amount of half-way points to be reached but, instead I will write about extrapolation and how we can know things that we are never told by continuing on in a similar manner. My father taught me a similar principle one a drive home from college once. He told me that it was so important to continue on in a chosen profession and learn it in a greater detail although I was prone to learn more once a certain point is reached.... ok ok, getting way off track here. I only meant to mention how it is often commented how different we all are and that people ought not be "pigeon holed" or labeled. But, that is sort of what we are doing, or what the entire purpose of mortality is. We are here to get bodies to become like our Fatther in Heaven. We'll, that is a common goal and I thought, what if someone does not want that purpose? Ah hah! That answered my big question about so many of God's spirit children, and it pained me to consider their fate... until I thought, well, it was a choice and they got to choose another purpose, this one was the one I chose and so it becomes "best" to me. I would say more but my phone is doing really strange thing's. I believe it is because this is getting too long for it's page, bye.
*SS = Sunday School
** FHE = Family Home Evening. A night of family togetherness, fun, and instruction.