I've heard the last straw. I hear so much protest about how the media handles thing, or backlash at Hollywood for it's rose colored remakes of history, but enough is enough. There are flatly, too many cooks in the kitchen, all preparing the same recipe, it is unlikely any of them would meet the expectations of the one who wrote it in the first place.
My real gripe is with people who from trusted positions tell lies. Now, I feel resentment towards most and skepticism towards everyone.
I kept having nightmares last night, and the most frightening adversary was a tiny, cute, fuzzy bee, that I only allowed myself to be stung in the first place because I trusted that it wouldn't sting me, but it did and I panicked and woke myself up in pain worried about anafalactic shock, realizing it was just a dream, I began wondering what wisdom my mind had conjured up, and quickly related it to a popular, unrational fear of this stupid, contagious flu further, how the fear of it causes more damage and likely pain as well... my daughter has been so sensitized that she honestly fears death via covid, when in reality, she is far more likely to be hit by a car walking home. Oh, I'm just disturbed.
Now even little things are ticking me off when usually not much does. Seriously, it is like my son telling me that as a responsible adult, I ought to go tell my neighbor to quit smoking, cause it is killing her. So, I told him I knew for a fact that anyone who plays roblox will die. And that's the sort of crap that is ticking me off. A whole lot if truth leading to a true conclusion, but applied out of context.
Just yesterday I saw an episode of Stargate Atlantis again, about a group of people who believed they needed to commit suicide at 25 years of age to protect their loved ones....and they were right that over population would result if people lived longer, which would force them to colonize new areas that were not protected. So, it was true, but there was another solution. I apply that logic to many global situations. Like how many people do unnecessary things like kill themselves because it makes logical sense to do so...alright, I'm just being silly now.