Friday, January 14, 2022

I woke up thinking about 2 things

I wondered if perhaps my Icelandic and Greenlandic roots were falsified to get me to research, knowing what sort of person I am (from demographic info and the like online), but that would be entirely false anyhow, cause I was also targeted with dating stuff about self women looking for a husband, huh? OK, something was was off there. Then, I thought, oh yeah, for a minute we will all believe 100% in my patriarchal blessing... well, it states that my ancestors are depending on me to get things worked out for them. I used to wonder why me when I have so many siblings, but continuing on my thought and not jumping to a new shinier one, it is believable that such ancestors are trying to help by pointing me in the right direction. Then, I started thinking about how a totally ignorant seeming site had calculated my DNA as being 100%closer match than any and all matches on their site. I figured well, they might just have a very small database. But, then I pieced together that with my Scottish, Swedish and Sachsen background, I makes sense that I would have similar DNA. Ofttimes, this changes as a database grows, then I remembered that every single Icelander has been recorded genetically when given a government ID, so, the match is not likely to change anytime soon. Then, I calculated it myself with the raw data and found the centimorgans to place not only a commonality with a recorded Icelandic murderer, but a descendent. Huh?

OK, this brings me to my next BIG idea, I call it, the "Stargate Deception". I have been a long time huge Stargate fan. But, the entire premise is based on telling a lie, or by telling a lie, I mean, not telling anything.... oh hey, side track, by that definition, my husband is almost constantly deceiving me, in not telling me what he is doing. I just figure it is for my own good, and I seem to lack a basic curiousity..curiosity...  but, regarding the Stargate, it is a thing that is withheld from public knowledge, like most things that might cause panic. I loved the movie "Deep Impact" where it is decided that the public ought not know that their extinction in imminent. Last year, about this time, I also read a book called "The Biblical Clock" where basically (forgot the actually wording) it was said that the whole creation's purpose has been hidden, or that we would not purposely know what was going on, so that we would choose what we would choose, sorta like the concept of soft determinism. So, in a sense, it is freedom to not know. In that light it is manipulative to say, you will die unless you do this, but this morning, we learned that it was freedom for Adam and Eve to choose to eat a fruit, although it was forbidden. Again, soft determinism. They were warned of the fatal consequence, but manipulation is not forcing someone to do something cause obviously they chose otherwise.

Everything ends up being about "tower battles"

I watched a video about how the Lord asks us to be his hands, and someone who could not do much asked what on Earth they could do. It reminded me of how "noobs" seem unequal to the task of defeating a void, but they are not useless when they team up with others they can do great things. I found that to be true once I was actually helped a great deal by  someone who had "starter",(useless) towers who enabled me to get a ZED.

Then, today our Opening song was 251 "Behold! A Royal Army" the chorus was "Victory" the announcement when you win in tower battles!

Sunday, January 9, 2022


 I decided this morning that I was going to, ever so slowly, little by little, improve myself, and that is what the sacrament is for. So, I started such an easy tiny change of reading one bit of scripture everyday. Wait, I pretty much do that, but not perfectly.

I was assured in my choice when someone caused me to worry as I almost always do, if it is better for me to seek my own interest or that of my children... shouldn't it be the same thing?  The conclusion was plain and simple, " You're worrying about the wrong thing. " they are the same thing if I am seeking to care for and love my family the best I can, it will be the best for me, and anything else is stumbling block, or temptation to lure me away from what is important. I worry about who will be sealed to whom because my family is so scattered, but a person speaking said to the point that if we focused on living so that we would be worthy to live with our father in Heaven, we will find the living arrangements so marvelous, worrying about anything else would seemlike a waste of time.

OK, so what does this have to do with Ezekiel? Actually, I am not sure yet. I have spent nearly a year reading it, and I have formed some very incredible theories, but those theories sort of prod me on to some sort of discovery dedication to truly understanding the mind of God through my personal commitment to study one chapter a week from that book until I die. It seems like an easy promise, but one I feel sort of frightened to make, so I share what reaffirmed my commitment. A speaker said this, (paraphased)" I play basketball, and a coach told me that he could set up the perfect play but that I need to take the shot." That is almost exactly what I think, though I have never said to anyone. I always think of the slam dunk competitions and an alley-oop. Anyhow, everything has been done, and Here I am and I honestly ought not whimp out of pursuing such great knowledge. Strangely, I think of Odin and how knowledge was so worth it he not only sacrificed a bit, and took the shot, but he even gave his eye. Might I similarly be willing to give up simple comforts or the risk of being wrong to find the truth?


So, I am going to begin this week studying one chapter of Ezekiel until I know it all well enough to take the next step in uncovering truth, though, I honestly do not know what that step will be yet.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022


When you reach the point that you need to pray, then you already have your answer.