I know that I sort of said that I would no longer onder DNA stuff, but my lingering obsession flared up again last night and I uploaded information to another site where I recognized quite a few "cousins" with dottir and son surnames, so out of curiousity I checked and they were, each one from Sweden, ok, so I thought I found that my closest foreign ancestor recorded as comiing from Sweden, was actually from Norway. This, in my mind supported the fact thart my closest Genetic ancestors were Welsh and Icelandic. Cause Icelandic settlers came from Norway, right? but, it is clear from each website database that I have genetic material from Sweden. Ok, so, I then started to form a hypothesis that Swedes and Danes and Nords, ok, Finns,too. they are all Nordic and share genetic similarities, which led me to re look at another website database which lists one of my closest populations as Danish, uh, yeah, all european folk are in some way or another Danish, too, but While I looked up other stuff. I thought, "Oh hey! that other new stuff I can see now with my upgrades includes a haplo migration globe, and it showed that my Icelandic line comes from Hungary and the Black sea, mostly Slavs, hrough, and this is what fascinated me the most! through Ireland, and I looked at the sample thar migrated to Iceland and This is wild, it goes through the descendant of remains on Raithlin Island, on the GEDMatch website it graphically lists DNA segments from ancient bones and strangely mine are almost identical to Some ones found on Raithlin Island. I remembered that because it was peculiar to impossible that I would share so much DNA with someone from the Bronze age. ok, so the Icelandic connection, hence Greenland comes through Ireland and not Norway. That theory makes more sense and my dad's relative was born and raised In Sweden, and has the surnae of Anderson, yeah, that's a bit odd to have a woman in Sweden be called anything son, but there was another match with a surname of Andersdottir. but, as obvious as that seems this match is on my maternal line. Mom is Scottish, and Dad is Irish, too. but then again, mom is Ulster Irish, though genetically she s practically ALL Scottish, but her Grandparents are from Balleymoney, Ire. So, there's that... I love to prattle on about this stuff, but no one really cares to hear my theories and speculation. But, There is something so exciting about unraveling one mystery after another and never knowing what will be discovered next, it is like unwrapping a gift at Christmas. I really love combining facts in a way that a great infrastructure emerges, and I can actually trace and prove that a reality actually exists that seems unlikely. It fascinates me to no end.
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Sunday, December 12, 2021
Alot of time=blog post
It was because I woke up too early that I realized this:
I had this helpful realization. If everyone is their own worst critic, and they hate the way they look, then the fact that I look nothing like them means that they are more likely to think I a pretty, instead of being so worried about looking like everyone else.
I was upset because I didn't meet the standard that it seemed everyone else did in their costumes. They all looked so wonderful, but I was often singled out or recognized because I was different. I was an angel 😇 and recognized as such even though I felt that my costume was very lacking. I was thinking of all the times I flip flopped thinking the grass was greener on the otherwise, somehow missing the on ious truth that the grass is greenest because it us regarded as such.
I have been skinny and figured it was better to be fat, or at least like everyone else, but when I get it, I just want to be skinny again, no! No more! I need to love what I am, and appreciate what I have not focus on what I could have.
OK, enough time spent on that thought.