Sunday, September 19, 2021

Backwards Colonization

Anew Idea I had today is more of a question than an answer. It is the result of putting my thoughts towards solving two, though likely more, major issues regarding DNA evidence and historical evidence and determining how to unify them. I keep reading articles about how human kind existed on the American continent long before what is commonly believed. Well, if mankind existed in America before it was brought here, perhaps some life was spread elsewhere FROM the Americas as well.

Though this evidence may end up supported, it cannot be used to argue for this theory. In the Book of Mormon (origin believed to be God) a group of people built ships and traveled and were never seen again. Where did they go? 

It is possible  that the peoples of Greenland actually mingled with Europeans unbeknownst to them, and that is one potential explination of where the Picts came from.

Saturday, September 18, 2021


 OK, I had already decided that for Christmas I wanted another DNA kit and I have figured out which I would like, but as I was searching what I already knew...because to get more out of my progress I need to be looking for something in the first place. Phrases that fit include "Necessity is the mother of invention." and, "get out what you put in."

Well, I had been making little steps towards sleuthing out why the Greenland genetic matches. I even thought, this is not my DNA another test will establish that. It is probable those results are frequently given just to cause research to follow the course "they" want it to go. It made sense, people Pay them to solve their problems. But, gradually, through asking the right questions I have been able to narrow down potential truths. 

Recently, a new feature was added that used genetic signatures to note migration or relations between matches, so my I elastic matches share signatures with Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, and Scottish/Irish matches. BUT, none match the Greenland or colonial American matches, ah hah! That told me a whole lot! It also gives me confidence in my own suppositions. What is strange to me and can jump out in your mind as well, the North American matches do not match the Greenland matches, so if I find that the North American matches are Native American, that seems to disprove my theory of where the Greenland ancestor came from or came to me through. 

Nearly a year has passed since my study began, so the time to get to the bottom of my Greenland dilemma will require diligence and time.


I was going with the assumption that the Greenland matches were likely not viking, because  they could not be traced back to Iceland although, genectically I match signatures from Norway to Iceland and many Early settlers of Iceland were Scottish/Irish and I am largely Celtic, but just before I could learn anything more through purchase, I thought I would try one last time to see what I could solidly deduce from what I already know. So, I viewed archaic (sp) matches and kept increasing the cm to narrow down closer matches just to be certain before I pay or anything that I wondered if it was based off of my already found family tree, but, I found among those that were suprisingly close genetic matches was an Eskimo from Greenland. That sort of proved what I was sort of supposing, but, it assumed that the other information was correct in showing migration paths and clseness of relations/ancestors. It just seemed so unlikely that I would have such close genetic matches in Greenland and Iceland, so I sorta thought that someone wanted research done so they decided to put me on that bread crumb trail. though this can, none of it be proven, I can pretty confidently say that I did have ancestors in Greenland who likely had children who were of the Mohican tribe who married ancestors in New York, Connecticut, or Canada. though I likely will never prove it at all, atleast That is how it has been recorded that one of my great grandfathers was a Chief and Another ancestor was recorded to have fell in love with a native when held captive (sounded a bit too disney-like to me though).