One day, to amuse ourselves at Dad's music store/Margaret's book store we, children, decided to play hide and go seek. It was very long ago, but I still remember it because of the epiphimatic moment. My older brother Jonathan decided to hide in what was pretty much plain sight, and yet he was the last one found. I realized a great truth about everything that is. If we suspected that he would be easy to find. He would have been.
Later in life I used the similar technique with course work. I established myself as a good student, and then attempted trying out a hypothesis. I decided to not only do as little work as my peers, but to actually do less. It was causing strife that I always got a's when everyone else struggled to even pass. I turned in what seemed to me to be obviously a failing work, but I still got an A although there were many many red marks, I was given the benefit of the doubt. It was assumed I meant brilliant things, that were not said, etc. It was a true principle established through trial, that others see what they are looking for and are often blind to what is. so, even on this paper, I got the highest grade in the class, putting forth the least effort. I ofcourse, never did this again, but I realized that reputation has more to do with things that what is, it just sort of how the mind works... like My older brother, he had the reputation as being extremely clever and the best hider, so no one thought to "seek" him in plain sight under a table near Margaret's cash register.