Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Again, With Feeling!
Ooopsie doodles
I honestly meant to accomplish different things today, and actually the day isn't over, but I am at last too ill to accomplish anything, it is only Tuesday, perhaps if I rest I will feel better enough to get everything plus done later, I hate procrastinating anything because I could get worse, but I really doubt it, much worse would be death, and I would not be able to accomplish anything whereas if I rest I ought to be able to accomplish something less than I intended, but that has a way of working out...we'll see.
I should put this electronic device away or else I will not rest of that I am sure.
Um, It is a huge paradox, what that I am still typing, ooopsie! No. That I always feel so loved that I failed to notice how unloved I have been. I seriously have no doubt what so ever that I have been carefully tutored and cared for. I also know that it was no mistake that I was born to my particular parents.
Ok getting sleepy, just dreamt of a crochet pattern for Joseph. He asked me to make a gift for his teacher for teacher appreciation and I bought yarn but as of yet had not particular design in mind. I got it, now.
I have an idea for a test. Having been familiarized with the story of Enos, I previously decided that if one approached Heavenly Father in a like manner could recieve a full remission of his sins. This easter, that became more important. I realize that in order to achieve the desires of my heart I must first repent fully, and so my test is to find a way, fasting and prayer has been already given to increase the "priority" someone called it prayer on steriods. I am going to use a day during spring break to pray all day if possible.
Note: previously, when I tried to pray sincerely to Heavenly Father by locking myself in the bathroom, and the children still banged on the door, requesting admittance. And, I simply cannot deny the wishes of my children and hypocritally beg my father in Heaven for a thing. So, I probably need to inform them of my design. I thought of the temple as a place of refuge and bedtime, outside seems pretty solitary, only I am ill and it is cold at night.
But, as I consider doing this, I am always encouraged! I remember a few other situations when alone I was able to pray sincerely and communicate with Heaven and I had absolutely no doubt of things regardless of how true they logically seemed like not going on a mission when I was already preparing to do so, and it was not even my intent to find out if I SHOULD go. Another time, I was in a refridgerated produce locker at pizza hut when I instantly thought, I'd really like to see this one aquaintance again, whom I figured that I would never see again. When I exited, I was asked if I would like anything from another resturaunt in Corinth, MS that we were doing a food exchange with, my old friend worked there. A simple thing, yeah. Easy to dismiss, but excitely I told LeAnne about the whole thing and the rest is history.
Monday, April 2, 2018
now in plain text it is hard to ascertain what I mean, so I will add that it means many things, but in my mind it sounds a way that when spoken is taken as sarcarstic. It was saoid in response to a cryptic message, I thought, "Nice." because it reminds me of how we were warned in a stake meeting not to let young women confess to us as leaders, they feel relieved cause they told someone and they may likely never remember it anymore, so it would not prick their heart to truly repent by confessing to one who is actually a judge of such infraction and able to truly grant forgiveness, and as I understood it, they would notproperly understand the atonement because they would assume they had experienced the peace that comes as a result of repenting, but they had not. That is how it seemed to me to tell someone a heart-felt thing in someone else's words. sure, the person knows and you sort of told, but not really, andso you did the difficult task without actually doing anything, nice.
Sunday, April 1, 2018
I weote a most thoughtful and profound post yesterday that appears nowhere. Sorry. And now, I forgot what I was going to say, but I do recall another thought so not all is lost... oh, oh, it was about the ressurrection.
I may not understand the ressurrection or appreciate it yet, but as time changes my necessary experience I will at some point rely on the thing that I take for granted now, which us, an unshakable belief that I will live again after this life ends. All eras and epochs seem hard to bid farwell, but they all leave, but I remain. I love having a body and expect to keep it forever, strange to consider it only a vessel right now, I consider it me, but it is not, for I will never die and because of Jesus, I will be ressurrected, which again, I likely do not appreciate or understand, but What I do understand is what is the part that is necessary to believe everything else that I accept as true.