This is a one-time inner musing that I am sharing out of hope that my dpark might light the way to grander flames, like a library of great thoughts that mean something.
I know one small fact, and upon that I have built an entire empire of truth. I know that there is a Creator and that Jesus Christ was born in this life and has a body just as we do wherever he is. I could deny many things, though reason/logic doesn't, but I could never deny God.
Now, if I am limited by reasoning that can be shared with the general public, It has been the foundation of every civilization, and explination for all that could not yet be comprehended that there is a god or origin of ability beyond our understanding. Now, it has been made known by many very intelligent, some well-meaning individuals that such Magic has been proven false of many accounts and science has given an explination, and because it proven somethings, it ought to be used to prove all things.
I could not ignore this much, and so I decided God uses the ways we have discovered to do things, but he is still the source although the evidence shows how it is done it does not show who.
In my house, there are things that happen that one could say a ghost dod because there is no evidence, but given what I do know, It is no mystery, even she cannot recall how she did sonethinfs that she did...
So, as I learn more and love more of God I need to find a way to continue. And when I fill my freetime with books, music or other entertainment with instruction. I feel very good about it. Many have claimed that I had been "brainwashed" and it is feasible when I see things like war where two factions who believe differently kill one another because of how they we raised to see things. But, even if I denied everything I had the great fortune of being taught I would still know and love God. And, with that relationship, I have learned to recognize his voice. Jesus, himself, taught about how all sheep learn to trust and recognize their Shepherd. This is true, anyone who knows and loves God, regardless of with whom they associate, will gravitate towards any place that teaches of Christ. I think that is why my lawyer knew I was Christian, but doubted that I was LDS. Such doubt is hopeful, it means the only reason it existed was due to ignorance.
I do believe that Joseph Smith was visited by God and he set up a church that teaches and instruct a man the way to live if he wants to be reunited with a Heavenly father, which it is sad to admit, but not all do.
So, this is what I believe, not any great wordy jumble of intellectual mumbo jumbo, but that is undeniable that "we" originated in Heaven and are here, by choice. There are many stumbling blocks and false "truths". I will not deny that it is possible that I will falter, but there is a constant and a way.
Song time: