I often learn things in a representational way. It is called so many things, but the best way I can describe it is metaphorical. As a teacher, one is concerned a great deal with how people learn. It is often pointed out that hunger is a huge stumbling block to learning. It is believed that many children need to be taught so that a cycle or way of life below potential can only be escaped by reaching these little minds and inspiring them, but this cannot be done if their mind is preoccupied with hunger. It is sort of like a child needs to eat properly in order to learn the things that are needed to be able to live the sort of life they are destined to live.
This is true for me, too. I learned something, but right now I already forgot because I am dealing with a teary daughter who "needs" her favorite toy to be happy.
Now, everyone needs me. I will continue this later...
Ok, it is later, it has been weighing on me how I have ALWAYS been concerned with helping others, and it works well, when a family supports your efforts. I have almost always compared a marital foundation to a school where one learns charity and selflessness without fear. You place the other above what you want knowing that they will "have your back".
It is beautiful, really. But, when for some reason you are not cared for in return it is like the starving child in the classroom who appears to be a bad student because their need is not being met.
Recently, in a class, various learning styles were mentioned and instantly, I thought of the "love languages" book and the ordeals I am having with my youngest daughter. Without disclosing who, there is a child in class who seems to be a problem child, so I asked why they were always acting out, if they even knew. It was disclosed to me that this child finds sitting and listening to books boring. It starts out fun, but goes too long. Basically, it is an attention problem. In this case the child is not starving for food, but is plagued with another enemy to being able to learn and absorb the feast of information being presented.
There is an enemy within our family that is keeping us from progressing. I have not figured out this "elephant in the room" but, I have seen evidence of it enough to know that it is hindering me from everything I could be, like in the army... sorry I just think of that song, "be all that you can be...in the arrrrmy". But, perfect analogy, the army plays a surrogate family meeting individuals needs so that they can focus on things that matter.
As a child once myself, my everything was taken care of by loving parents. I think of a song "Teach me to Walk in the Light" there is soooo much to that. The way that faith can be developed and grow is by removing doubt and fear, and having a safe home when our needs are met. I suspect that is why my son is such a "home body" he knows that he will be cared for at home.
I could go on and on, but I merely wanted to explain the likeness and how I applied it to deduce a thing I know is hindering me, although I cannot know what it is, I know what it isn't.