I was thinking about the fact that it boils down to making a choice, not reasoning, whether or not one believes in God. Then, if he chooses that flavor of life he must accept all that comes with it, alot of good things, but just as much bad, so that the hood and bad cannot be used as a way to judge if a thing is true or not, either.
While I was thinking about this sort of tenacity, just now, the words, " Stand for Something " came to mind. Anyhow, this type of tenacity is likened to the kind required by a spouse in a marriage. Exactly like it, actually. If one can understand the one they can understand the other.
Then I thought of, but have not looked, for a refresher yet, the book of Hosea. I think God is teaching what men do understand so that they might understand things a finite mind might otherwise not grasp.
I did just go look and it was my intent to explain in speech that is clear to us the hidden mysteries, that could not be understtod then even, but alas, I will not be given such understanding yet, but I do understand this much. God often likens his people to a wife, it continues through all scripture, so I can at least point out a recognition of the voice which all sheep will recognize. He speaks with the same mind and personality always, and so as I am caught up thinking to mysrlf and strugle to believe any thoughts in my head may,have been given or planted. It is an age old question to know if thpughts are revelation or just our own. I know that I would, my person that is, have never thought how significant enduring in an unhappy marriage would be, but it is so much more than what it seems on surface. It is a true teaching, the ones that shape and mold our eternal carachter. It is just as important to cling to knowledge and love of a God that logic says we cannot know, just as it is to stay married to one we no longer love, what is the issue is not whether a thing is right or wrong, but whether or not we are true to ourselves and if we are worthy of ever becoming like our Father in Heaven.
As a parent, I see, and I am sure every parent does. I see situations where a child could more sensibly explain hiw the consequence I set forth is wrong, but part of being a parent is sticking to what I said regardless how it is interpretted. Yestetday, I ended up ising stop signs as an example, it is not compassionate or forgiving, but it saves lives. And we obey rules every time regardless of particular situation. It may be that at a given time there is no other traffic or persons walking, but we still obey the law. The best example of something like that was when Jesus Christ was baptized. And because he was baptized, so are we. Now. Look at marriage and family. Abraham was married, so was Moses, but that did not universally set the example for all, no one did, and that lack of example or pattern has effected the state of society we live in today. Infact, it forced the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to set forth a sort of documented pattern of what a family is, so we need not be confused. Oh, just had this thought. Not everyone actually follows Christ's example anyway in baptism. It, too has been confused, but we have an example to look to. Too many claim, baptism is all about remission of sins. Well, aren't stop signs about preventing catastrophe, as long as we kniw no accident will occur we need not stick to being exactly obedient, right? Ummm, so we get baptized by immersion, sort of innately, we know to stop at a stop sign whether or not we perceive danger. This is emmulation and exact obedience which is waay off topic, sorry.
I, myself, wonder at times, but I can think about the stop sign and how it helps so much, so that I do not have to think it all through, I only have to do. I want to be all that potential allows which requires among other things, immortality. One of the other things is the ability to make a promise and keep it.
Have you ever wondered what if Gravity was hurting some dude who was fearing death at the next swing of a pendulum. So, Gravity needed to stop working. But if it stopped working to safe that guy then, why not sone other chick in tin buck two. But, if we did not want to have to rationalize gravity all the time maybe we should just do away with it, I am thinking this is like finding a reason to divorce someone. So, it is removed or annuled, gravity is no more. Wait! It is just a bad marriage, right? No, it is a broken promise because of unforseen circumstances. We will fix it amd make it all better by just not making laws/promises in the first place. Yeah, look what happened at the tower of Babel when constants were not longer universal. Not much got done, huh?
Speaking of doing, I am looking at a huge pile that requires immediate action...no more killing of time!