We are closer in being like our own parents than we are becoming like our God, who we call our Heavenly Father.
It makes perfect sense to us that parents learn by being a parent. For example, I was thinking about the countless things that I did wrong, but did the best I knew. So, that lead me to consider how the things I do might seem insane to someone without the same perspective, which lead to the thought about if God is "learning and becoming", too or if that is just a mortal thing.
As children, it seems like our parents know everything, until we are in their place. One of my favorite comments was when a woman was explaining how children come to understand sex. At first. It wasn't hid from them, but just kept back because it was neither relevant or necessary, but at a certain developmental stage a child becomes both willing and able to understand things that although, new to them have been aroind as long as people have.
My dad used to say, and I was not sure it wasn't a threat, that as we are he once was, and as he is we will become. Pretty vague, huh? That is the beauty of it all. Sure I will never be a man, and I used to think, noooo way! Cause I was never going to become over weight...I already am. Uh oh. But, instead of being upset, it makes me wonder "what next" surely there is something that God is aspiring to.
I wonder if I can help. First thought is pray, uh, but that is asking God for help, so that won't do... him, I guess, as a parent, my kids would help most by obeying me, so I conclude to help a Heavenly Father most I ought to obey him.