Yesterday, I knew that I needed help, so I Decided to be exactly obedient instead of haphazardly fast. My children wanted to say my prayer with me, so I obliged. They decided to fast all night in their beds. :) Anyhow, we prayed that we would understand fasting better.
I learned that the Lord does answer our prayers. One girl, a couple of years ago, said she taught on her mission that fasting was prayer on steroids.
As I taught things about fasting to my. Children, I could tell my mind was filling up with brilliant ideas. One was about how it was not really a commandment. That explained why dad never fasted. But, my own thought that I kept to myself was that if you have a health reason not to fast, that is,exactly when you need to. But, it is not a commandment or obligation, and if you need to rely on man, do so. Fasting is only sort of a spiritual way of kissing or showing your unexacted devotion to your creator.