Sunday, June 14, 2015

Brain dump

Every single individual deserves to be recognized, as they are a child of God, and no matter what they accomplished, or lived on this earth, they are loved and wanted by God.

Someone was raised Jewish but believed in Jesus, so ofcourse, she accepted Mormonism.

Lives are like seeds of corn some did not grow due to the rain, others were slow due to needing more sunlight. This is like family members accepting the gospel we share. Some might need to be replanted.

Despite trials, our ancestors teach us that we must continue forward especially if we know a thing is true or that pearl of great price.

The youth particularly showed their divine spark, the spirits were needed to prepare the way for the second coming of our Savior.

Requests prayers for her son who is only 19 and called as a bishop.

Whatever you must do to grow closer to your father in Heaven is worth it.

A woman wanted to go on trek, but could not because she was blind and disabled, but found an ancestor who was blind etc, but still traveled.“

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. ”

― Helen Keller

No greater work than temple work for our ancestors.

Sunday School

Out knocking doors and found a few people.

God knows us personally.

What is Holy Ghost, if part of Godhead, who is that? And yet, everyone has the light of Christ.

If we feel a thing,bit changes the fibre of our being. Like the story sister Sherrow is telling how now a thing is undeniable to her.

Evidence of difference of the Holy.Ghost by the difference of people who are in the same place but feel differently after recieving the gift of the Holy Ghost.

With Holy Ghost we can know more than said.

If you haven't had a thought in a while you might need to try harder.

When you are excommunicated, you definately know the difference and feel the lack of Holy Ghost, but when we always have it we do not notice it as much. In particular we as members of the church do not recognize that gift as much.

The difference between our church and other churches all seem to do good, but we have Holy Ghost, all things can be testified through the spirit.

Work, things come through work, perhaps that is what I ought to be learning.

What does the gift of Holy Ghost mean to you?


Tithing should not be given in the chapel according to handbook.

Story about being a nany, who was asked who to vote for, and it hit home for her about significance of prophet, because a father asked how we knew God did not change his stand today on Same Sex marriage.

We have a prophet to make things clear to us, today.

We have continual befitting revelation.

Do we sustain the prophet and love him so much, but do we even know what he said.

Sometimes people will prefer earthly knowledge to revelation.

Obedience to things that he says even if he never actually says it by way of command. Example of ear piercings.

Know things and want to be baptized

You never know if a thing might happen and and your wayward son could end up a bishop... One woman said and that it was comforting to consider.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

how to create a world

So, no one asked, nor is it likely that they will, but I wanted to say what I think about evolution vs. Creationism. It just seems to me that there is no either or conflict and neither disproved the other nor can which validated them.

I took Evolutionary biology and Astronomy at the same time intentionally that I might find similarities, and I did. I also formed two great ideas, one was validated by things I have heard regarding "natural forces" I thought about how gravity makes stars and as that pressure increases new atoms are formed, and it seemed obvious to me then that the moecules,needed to form initial organisms and most significantly, DNA can be made out of elements found in any given Nebula.

At a conference I attended where I was the young one of the group, I was able to ask questions that a more mature and wise individual would not. But, I really did not know. I made peace with so many things by saying, it is by design, there is always a different way to see it. Take McGuyver, for instance, he always saw a way where I did not. But, I understood a lot, and so much simply because of an old video I saw as a kid where Cleon Skousen said the universe is only made of two things. Things that act and things that act upon. I decided the preisthood was the power that acted upon, and preisthood is the power of God. My question was when the dinosaurs lived (as a kid I wanted to be a paleontologist). An older scientist guy took my silly question in stride and explained not only that it was foolish to think we could know, there are countless possibilities, but since I needed one, I could consider that the earth was created by chunks of another earth, and the fossils need not to have ever even lived here. With that idea, I thought, yeah God is all knowing so he naturally used pieces that would be old enough to form fossil fuels for us! How kind.

Now, how does this deal at all with evolution? The struggle many find is that in more immediate terms evolution is undeniable, so it MUST be. Infact we have used artificial (man lead) selection to bend evolution to our will. If A creator is honestly all knowing and powerful, then wouldn't he use evolution to create a nature that would naturally select a being like the one he wanted. Ok, so maybe God used Evolution just the way we have discussed it. So what?

Monday, June 8, 2015

what was wasted

;,, I have been so upset, like I get when a long winded email is lost, but worse. I know that I still exists and can generate whatever I thought was lost, oh! That reminds me of one thought I typed out and lost, it was in a talk someone mentioned the things we had learned in full in the pre existence. In the words such things like baptism by immersion. My instant thought was that no wonder we instantly recognize such truths when we hear them. In particular was a video about Wilford Woodruff seeking to be baptized the proper way, so he asked a preacher who at least practiced immersion, but he just FELT or was convinced that other parts of the ordinance were lacking. I also thought of my brother's pat. Blessing where he was reminded about how quite often he (my brother) had to have teachings reirterated or explained at the feet of God himself. Anyway, sure I may have forgotten  things that I once knew and put into particular words, but the same ideas are part of who I am and become.

I was thinking about how glad I would be to have these projects over because I spend all of my time working on this stuff, but even my sleep is suffering. I wondered if I would really even accomplish more when I finish making these dresses for instance. But, I had almost stopped completely using social media after so many convincing testimonials about how doing so would free up your time so much. I have only filled it with other things.

Then, I candidly reminded myself how my time was still being depleted, but it was being used to serve others. Serve? Ah yes! I remembered a scene from a old film "Labor of Love" where a returning missionary compares the things a flight attendant says to a missionary teaching of things that are actually quite important. Well, to me the doorknob is about how we cannot help others if we are dead, so take care of your oxygen mask first. And then all things remind me of Tal Bachman, I am just going to stop acknowledging it. There is a very neat video I saw of him playing a Jazz riff with his dad on guitar singing something about looking out for number one. Kevin Montgomery wrote a song along those lines too about seeing global troubles and trying to put a bandaid on it with a five dollar bill (regarding poverty), but, better examples have mentioned service as essential to getting out of a rut of self pity or such. To help yourself you look outward and help others and place their concerns in your mind....

Then another pressing matter comes to mind. Sunday observance, or Sabbath. The idea being that we need a day of rest. A few points of significance were mentioned, but most significant to me was that our observance is a measure of our love, faith, committance to our Father in Heaven and his plan.

I always like to demonstrate how Sunday is a day we get to put off all of the things we cannot seem to get to, but desire to do instead of a day when nothing is allowed too often my kids say, "...but we can't do that on Sunday..." I thought well, hah! I could still do these things on Sunday. That is the trouble, I get no break or catch up time. Then, I thought of the things I will actually do when I finish all of my projects. It hit me like a ton of bricks falling on me. I can assign value to my time by asking why am I doing this. Even service projects seem to dull. Like, making dresses for Mary isnice and she likes and needs them, but she is just going to outgrow them, but she will grow up knowing her mom loves her and that feeling will generate more, but it is not the clothes that I am making, but feelings. So, it's not wasted.

But, when I thought about what was secondary, my family history, cause it is really a time user. It is an addiction or such (how I it). But. Then, I thought, but my Pat. blessing reminds me to keep eternal perspective. The consequences of my work is more lasting and does not pertain to this world as much as it does eternity. That's it. Other things can wait, maybe this can too, but it has....oh,oh, another quote came to mind. It was by Brigham Young, "Be patient in waiting... to understand."

Sunday, June 7, 2015


I'm bummer. I took extremely good notes that while I sumarized things I could not wait to get to my fortress of solitude and reflect for a long time on various things, I did not understand well enough yet, that is why I took notes, right? Well, at one point at the end of the meeting, ironically much was said about taking our children to meetings even if they are so rowdy. While I cared for my tired and restless kids, somehow everthing was selected and replaced with accidentally typed nonsense like jklkjijhj.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Before I had any concept of what life as a mother would be. I claimed that I found my home in academia. I would accept mot herhood if presented with that option. I would go so far to seek it out, but I loved learning. Now, that I have actually done both, attend college and raise children, I know why I felt Academia was home. Up to that point it was the only place where I learned so much that directly influenced who I became (other than church). I always was "churchyard" and it is likely because of the same reason. Well, being a mother teaches so much more than university professors do. The only thing I can compare the outpooring of information to is temple attendance (for latter-day saints) or scripture study.

And that is why I strongly encourage motherhood as both a full-time profession an education.