You are a product of the choices you made, so try to pinpoint the effects of turning your head one way or the other. Now, done? Who you are is a product of reading this.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Thursday, November 20, 2014
The real vilans
If it has been said before, I missed it, so I feel obliged to say something, so that it can be on te record.
For the record, good has an opposite called evil, and every young child knows what is good and what is evil. Through our teen years it seems less clear, like a line drawn on a map, as we get closer it is harder to differentiate. So we need to step back, or accept guidance from someone with a better perspective.
I wanted it said that too often the bad guy or evil is easy to avoid if idenified, but what happens is we start to gain over confidence saying, "I would never do that." And we can keep the ills cemented in our minds as children, but we never even see the true vilans coming because it is usually disguised as a good thing, like diet and exercise, or beauty, or intelligence they are things we learn are good so we accept them when they are offered , but we have not been warned of the evil of overdoing it. And so many good things have the potential that once they get their foot in the door, to become addictive. We relinquish our will to a good thing which is actually the evil that will destroy us.
My son, Gavin, excitedly told me about a lesson he learned about a piece of yarn, to him it was so wonderful and made sense to the .point that he had to excitedly share it with me by wrapping it around my fingers. Sure, it was just yarn, nothing to be worried about, huh? But, as he wrapped it, combined I could not use my hand or break free and my hand was turning blue! That was his lesson, we are not trapped by obvious evil, but little by little we are eventually trapped by harmless things, I am saying Good things done outside of moderation.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Psychedelic drugs
I watched a docummentary on psychedelic drugs because I was fascinated by the premise which included Seretonin and Neurons which always fascinates me.
At first, I was thninking how this sounded like the fictional drug in the movie "Limitless" and we see how that ends, still I liked the immediate nature of drugs to control perception, and it need not be habitual. Infact, LSD is used to cure other addictions but does not cause them, and many great thinkers had been so enlightened, and then warned their neighbors.
Just when I decided a one time change of ability to percieve would be entirely safe, I also realized the same thing can be gradually achieved line upon line thus changing the person gradually and lastingly.
None of the scare tactics seemed to steer me clear of my desire to see differently, until this morning, I realized that anything that assumes control is not good. Drugs, over the counter, or illegal have dramatic effect and do for the body things it could do slowly for itself, but we do not have the time. Take labor and delivery for instance... Why did I choose to suffer "natural childbirth" when drugs were right there and offered to eliviate any pain. Perhaps, such drugs create a different sort of dependance, one that keeps is from evolving a way to cope without it. Even the weakest can endure and survive with drugs.
We always see suffering as something that does not belong and needs to be removed, while everything around us suggests that conflict and struggle, um let's call it opposition, exists for our good. Interesting word good. For example, we could not have anything good unless we had bad, so let's not drug away anything we do not like.
We do not like to be fat, so we like the idea of a "skinny pill" that will allow us the benefit without the effort. Such dependence will not last and either we will not prize being skinny as a reward for hard work, sort of like liposuction. If you look skinny, and so attract a mate, and have fat childen, now you have handed down a problem that might never existed. Likely, they will do what their parents did, securing a future for a drug to always be needed to maintain what was started.
Ok, J'ai du travallie...hay, Nicholas trabajo, etc.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Otherwise imperceptible
It was that act that fueled the thoughts of different things that I may not perceive that others do. I thought of that litmus paper test in high school chemistry class where we taste it and record our findings, and I tasted the most terrible thing ever, but other people tasted nothing. I figured that someone was playing a terrible trick on me and purposely soaked my paper in some vile tasting liquid as a joke. so, I did not write what I observed thinking it was tainted, and giving in to peer pressure, at the time I felt like I was living on the streets watching a king parade around naked refusing to say that I saw no clothing. Then, my teacher explained that because of genetic differences, though it seemed that none in our class could perceive it thus, a small group actually tasted litmus paper as a terrible taste. So, perhaps it was like the princess and the pea. I left feeling proud of my extra sensory skill.
I was thinking about how children perceive a lifetime different and distances and heights differently. For example, have you ever revisited a childhood home, school or playground and noted how much smaller it seems? To my kids, they were getting higher, even a few centimeters would be noticed by them as significant.
Ultimately, this made me think about how we are often reminded how our own perceptions are quite different from God's. And just lately, I watched "Cosmos" where time was put into a frame that made us familiar, a calendar year. The beginning of our universe was day one of January and we were at the last day of December. It helped us see how even as adults compared to children, we think that we are the ultimate, but the minute changes might not even be perceive worthy to a greater being. And, yet we learn that God is mindful of every blade of grass even, woah! It is like how kids think our ability to know things is magical. Our supreme being seems magical in doing impossible things.
Total tangent: magicians lead us to false conclusions, by messing with flaws in our perception. I notice when I build my home in Active worlds if I move, changing my perspective, things no longer line up. When they seemed to originally. It is very frustrating to realize our perceptions are not always the best match for truth.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Taco Tuesday
Quick comparison, not too deep yet
When I got married it was because it fit my other plans, and I never felt some tingle in my toes or anything and felt cheated cause I never have That is close to being an urban legend (like the story my dad tells of hearing angels sing and seeing lights shine down on my mom when he saw her).