Let me start by saying that no matter how I start off thinking I always end up at the same conclusion.
Ok, I was thinking an entirely random thought. I was exploring my memory taking a fun filled adventure through my past and I got caught up on a thought, well, it triggered another memory and soon, I was sensing a solution, or trying to find one, which I always do, although I never start with any problem in mind.
I did not have a list of usual suspects this time, but only one, and I thought, "No, now my subconscious is learning how to infiltrate my thoughts to come up with the desired conclusions." but, you know it is a way to achieve peace so I ought to be happy to have a solution, but instead I think it was tampered and I only combined two scenarios because I wanted to think that I only had one solution, because I had decided to only choose the right from now on, but what if there is no choice? When I keep coming to the same conclusion it would be like always winning every time when playing a game of chance, suspicious.
My mind just wants an answer, so it tries to convince me that I have made many choices and they all failed and so I have this problem. Well, if there honestly was no choice then no action would be required, right? but, there is required action which is a choice.
My son just offered his validation to a very corny pun. He is laughing quite hard now, I feel like my humor is wasted. I ought to have stayed with simplicity. Well, he will grow up, and maybe he will remember my jokes and laugh, but I really need to accept a conclusion, even if it is the one I always wanted all along anyway.