Wednesday, September 26, 2012

rain, rain, go away!

lol and please come back when you find a more convenient way to be moisture. Or someone just go shoot those crazy Mormons for praying so much for rain. Wait, I'm a Mormon, and I rather like to stay alive today, "I'd like to keep my jeans dry today-ay-ay".

I took the kids to the park and just as we returned home, it started raining. I always remember that day because the other kids were performing a rain dance at the park, and we rushed home. Brandall had come while we were rushing home, but he came back, :)

It was funy a little girl got mad at the kids for their rain dance (which seemed to be working) and screamed out "No! Rain, rain, go away." Joe yelled back "Yes" And an official argument had begun. But, it was interrupted by a loud crack of thunder. I pretended it was a gunshot and told Joseph to come quickly, they had guns!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

the way thoughts connect

Every person and place or thing is stored in our brains. Each noun is usually stored with a particular distinguishing feature. For me it is usually a much less visual thing. In grade school our teacher was excused and we were asked to recreate him. It was supposed to be a test of our memory, but from other's artistry in contrast to mine, I realized that it wasn't so much about remembering as seeing thing. I have never been much of a visual artist,. My mind just doesn't work that way. I also recall a time my oldest daughter asked me to draw a dinosaur, and I couldn't, even though pateontology has always been a passion of mine. I drew something and she looked and said, "No. I meant a prehistoric creature. Try again." Her dad had to come draw one for her.

I played a game with the primary children at church. I gave them all crayons and paper and then played a recording of a composition of mine. I asked them to draw what they heard. It was uncanny how accurate their representations were. At first, no one wanted to share their drawing out of fear that the others would laugh or tease them, but as a few brave souls showed what they draw and told about it, they were praised and eventually everyone wanted to share their drawing, too.

I had thought before about talents, and did not start with any intention of even mentioning them, but I figured it was like how artists draw likenesses of people or something for money. Maybe I could compose songs for people, places, or things. which leads me to point out the inadequacy of converting our thoughts to words (without a lot of practice).

I used to like to listen to "absolute music" and I really felt what it was saying more than songs with words, which is why I actually wrote tonight in the first place, I thought about how I think of people and I assign a little value to mean them, likely, they have no thought (awareness) of this. for years I used hair because I felt like it adequately represented someone. They had some choice in that matter (Of how to wear or style it). I stil do that to some degree, and my strongest recollections of people come through not scent or physique, but hair.

I ought to say something about hair bands, but I won't.

Aside: It was so cool today when Elder Packer told how he always knew what to say, and felt that it wasn't too much to say even though it felt like he was blabering. The funny part came when he was saying how everyone has profound experiences regarding how temples effected their families, for him it was his parents always making temple attendance a priority. He asked Russel Nelson if this was the case for him, too. "No. Actually. My parents weren't sealed until they were in their 80's" :) replied Elder Nelson.

I was playing a game to keep my mind plugging away at things other than what it keeps settling on. The game was to think of people and just think of the little associations that I make with them. I was listening to a song last night and I didn't even hear any lyrics. That song will always mean something different to me. I was awestruck by the perfomance, specifically, the breathing. Every performer must breathe or they'd die, so it is not a good symbol to represent (differentiate) this song, but that's how my mind works and it associated the song with Johnny Depp who mentioned that those who truly "live" appreciate each breath. Once in a lesson on being Unprofitable servants one of the things mentioned that is a gift is air. Back to songs, I don't think that I have started trying to listen to catch each performer breathing. It just naturally struck me as a really cool performance technique.

Ok, I passed enough time. urr wasted it, is more like it. I have little to show for it. other than I did actually record my feelings which I know I ought to do. That is right, although deciding if my thoughts themselves are right or wrong is not of my concern.

Friday, September 21, 2012

thinking to pass the time

thinking to pass the time can become a habit, that leads to stronger convictions and understanding why. By Why I mean the great WHY?  If you are not ready to undersrtand, do not start thinking too much.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

a good thought to save for a rainy day

expound on this one: "Besides, anyone who doesn't really - I mean *really* - want the truth, doesn't deserve it anyway." written by, or more importantly thought by Tal Bachman. It really makes me feel small and pitiful to see myself from his point of view, oh well. I can just brush it off. I don't have to remember it because I typed it here.

view his blog here:

Sunday, September 16, 2012


If I look for the lowest denominator, or in other words, get down to the real matter of things, the things I feel could be familiar and appreciated by amost anyone.

I noticed that today when someone told "their" story but instead I whittled their words down to a simple story of a girl who was happy but wanted more. She wanted to be like others, who she saw had a great deal of peace. So, confused and tired of being confused, she sought an answer and her answer was only a suggestion. But, the answer was that she ought to do something that wasn't even being considered. But, she did want to achieve in a similtude what her examples had, so she blindly did it, and currently can testify that though not anything planned, her life was so much better.

Ok, this is commendable and given to us all as an example of how having faith can do things for us that are all the better than we ever imagined. In her story she did not even think about having children, and she never wanted to be married. But, she is married well and has 4 children and is expecting twins! And she loves her life and must be strong to live it. Her strength is amost palapable.

Take a moment to play this game with me. Pretend that you have been asked to share your story, Have you even lived it yet? How can you reduce it to a skeleton? Now, you have a story that you can write to everyone, Maybe make substituions that are not "Your" personal story, but that is how we write really good and lasting stories.

For instance, the original story might be about you, but it isn't is is about a lady from Mexico who ended up in Utah by way of California and worked for years at a costco. I know, it hardly seems as powerful when you add the details back in. So instead tell about a man from Washington DC who is the son of an embassador to Africa and that he was on a pilgrimage to College to study Astronomy, but he just felt an emptiness and long t emulate the example of entire peace that he felt when he traveled with his dad to remote parts of Africa after a flood. He Saw a little family of tribal people who seemed to be at peace with everything around them nd did not feel like Astronomy was going to do that for him, though he loved the stars. Ya da ya da... You get the point.