Sunday, January 27, 2008

Why I love Blogs

Well, I have always been a huge fan of keeping memories and journals, but I like blogs better because the little bit of effort required. It spoils me really, the ease of it all. And the fact that you can say things that you know will be read, so you can secretly say things wiith out directing your comments to anyone. also it becomes evidence of who you are, to prove that you infact thought such and such on such and such day before you even met this other person who claims you are copying them all the time. I guess I could've said it nore succinctly by saying it clears up the "great minds" theory. Clearly great minds do think alike, this is proof.

August Rush

Take two.

I'll see if I can remember, I haven't seen the movie yet, but in the trailr it is shown that people believe that music has a power, I'm not alone in that thought. I think that if I just write the best song then brandall will love me, all of my best songs were written in hopes of being heard, because I felt the need to get my thought, though masked in verse, out.

But that song "the way" by Daniel Beddingfield sums up how I feel on several levels, but mostly how I have been honest, but wrong. I meant it when I said that I loved Brandall, but I changed, and he chose to not change with me. I could've been everything perfect for him, and I believe there is a song there, if I just had an ounce of drive like the kind Columbus had.

I also was thinking of a girl in a story who missed the point. It was in a fable I wrote about these kids finding a meadow and the guy picking fowers and the girl got upset because they were going to die. It is true that the Flowers would die, but they were the luckiest, because they were created for the purpose of bringing joy to others, not just to live. The other flowers got to live, but it was already beautiful there.

August Rush

Though I haven't seen it yet, thre trialer suggests something dear to me. most of my best music was written it a silly attempt to communicate. I have a belief, even the other day I thought. If I could just write the right song and let Brandall hear it, he would love me. but I'm mising the point. kinda' like the little girl in my story who is so upset about someone killing the beautiful flowers that she misses the point that they have a beauty to be shared, it is their purpose,not to live. I don't actually love Brandall, like another song by Daniel Beddingfield. I meant it, but then I changed. or rather he choose not to change with me. I could've evolved into the perfect wife for him, but He dumped me instead. a song there? could be. probably could touch alot of confused hearts, too. But I don't have the drive like Columbus did.

I need to rest. Tomorrow is another day (Southern acent accentuated purposely) the ither day someone asked who ought to play me. I've never tried to cast myself before. I said Sigorny Weaver., but later tld my mom Vivian Leigh, I could think of someone better probably though. mom said Vivain Leigh can't play you, She's dead. hmmmm.... I think Juliet Binochette

Thought power

I'm not going to guide your thoughts today, but here are topics:

1) Reformation Vs. restoration
2) Crying unto God takes energy
3) the Sword is the only offensive part of God's Armor
4) everything exsisted in spirit before it was physical
5) our bodies even the cruelest one is a blessing, and all blessings are predicated...

Just something to feast on if you have spare time.

Friday, January 25, 2008

cool! Where did it all come from?

every child knows, but even science in its greatness cannot answer.
Makes me think of the movie "Contact".

Brilliant - Where did the universe come from?

Something every chld knows, yet scientists still are baffled

Thursday, January 24, 2008

An answer

crud, this was all lost!

to sum it up again, i have against "My" better judgement decided to trust in God and trust my heart and my prayers. THey say to love Brandall which thing seems impossible to me. But I will do that which I am commanded. Plus, I did make a promise and must keep it even if things get tough, at least I don't have to steal someone's sword and chop their head off and dress in their clothes. or live for years in the wilderness.

I chose Brandall and must stick with my choice because it is the right thing to do and I do believe we can know and do what is right.

a super-incredlble (invisible) post

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my love you are dead

I was thinking alot about the song anout love and death.
I concluded that is it is so common in song and story b/c it is the foremost on minds, lot of people want to believe Love is eternal, so they create all kinds of representations for it. One of my good friends tried to convince me that religion is created by men, like other art. to answer all such mortal questions, but that seems quite wise but for the fact that it doesn't explain how a promise can be made that you will feel something in your heart.Rea; wisdom, mystery etc, cannot be understood by ntural eyes, but it understood in our hearts, not the muscle that pumps blood, but that part of us that is a hero and is far older and capable of knowin thing that for now require vast amounts of faith, but also demnstrate the greatest happiness.

for Example. it was a long time comming, but Though i like sex, like I like food, some better than others, it will not determine my actions. i am no rat in a cage who obeys my desire for cheese. then what? it is the most revealing question I ever asked my self. It will teach you where you are going and why. I don't want sex. I just don't want to be alone, and so I used it to get my eternal marriage, then what?

Well, i got dumped years later, and a happy family later cause it wasn't founded on lasting priniples

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Friday, January 18, 2008


Well, I have a life, and don't really have a good choice. life or death. I choose each day to live another day, oh how stoic of me, huh? Well, my friend Matt Smith said that he was glad that I was alive, so I feel a bit better about my choice, even though I am angry at feeling powerless, I get upset because of my situation, I want the kids, but the fact of the matter is, no one has been honestly done any favors, I would be happily divorced and taking care of my children right now if my parents hadn't interviened. So I'm powerless stuck here, under a "temporary Parenting plan" That is going on three years, and I still have no rights and my parents got custody with me saying that I live here, It really angers me, but it had to be done for the kids, and my parents pretend to be all wise and say that they are here to help me, yeah right, the only time I believed that was when I was so sick I had to just nod cause I was powerless, but even my husband knew what lengths I went to to get free of My parents, then he takes me back when he promised to keep me, and care for me.

I wonder if I have any Legal case here. we have some proof that he Vowed to care for me, then ditched me. It makes you wonder why some laws can be broken, but others cannot. I will get some alimony or something. I don't wish to cause him grief or pain, but he has caused me tons of it, at the drop of a hat. Looser (making sign n my forehead at him). bed time, I'll write more later, I'm too upset right now, its the issue with Brooksie and my dad trying to take over everything. I want to chew up nails and spit them out like bullets.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

As I watched

I made comments here twice and give up in trying to share things best left as secrets, though the potency of such thoughts is almost too much for my mind to keep in. Plus, having a second or third opinion helps, because my thoughts on their on are too easily miraculous and lethal.

then I get this message:
Your request could not be processed. Please try again.

As I watched

I thought abot the earth alot, but nostly about Ireland, wood henge -The place I stumbled into,and Anne of Avonlea.

I thought how not everything is unbelievable, some things as ust doubtful, but become miracles when they do happen.
"silence is not or you, you have your own challenges."

"Show me, Vivian. I want to learn!"

"but I saw my Brother."

"you must learn to distinguish visions from reality, now keep your mind in one place, come."

'it would take years till I was deemed ready to take the biggest test of them all, To part the mists of Avalon.And at last I was fit to be given the sacred mark that only those dedicated to the

I wonder if anyone will see what I see in this clip

I like this one, too.

This whole thing is cool:

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Thoughts on loving and needing.

I have done the wrong thing, and have been given the opportunity to do better, probably because I have prayed so hard and tried my best to do what is right. i love Brandall and don't ever even think that I don't, but it is lesr to me now that I have been through my terrible situations been blessed with opportunitites that would nhave been freiign or not allowed if I got everything I thought I wanted.

Thoughts on loving and needing.

I have done the wrong thing, and have been given the opportunity to do better, probably because I have prayed so hard

Monday, January 14, 2008



Tom petty, Annie Lennox, are cool, no joke!

Drum of Drums that isn't heard because its always present.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

crud, this is harder than I thought

high time

for me to make a new post with my new keyboard. so, here goes;

I have decided to get my own life back, I must first get an apaartment, then a job, then a bank account and then I can buy my own car, a better one that I love.

next, I will make a few trips to Utah before I commit to go there for good.

I have backed off of my idea of going to medical school. Maybe I'll decide again to go but right now I cannot afford it.

There really is no reason why I shouldn't mary Nicholas, if he asks. I had some weird ideas, but I conquered them and I'm figuring things out now. He sent me cool picture of the Logan temple yesterday and I put it on my desktop. It's so white and lighted up so pretty! Pure lovliness! I am so lucky to have such a friend.

I was kinda waiting for LeAnne to give her opinion, but times a wasting, and a descion needed to be made. I think everyone will be happier about it, though I'm not sure. I guess wwe just have to act and figure things out later. in one of my poems I said, "I cannot fear for he loves me, and my heart will never allow me to make a mistake." I think that if mY choices in wrong I will find that unassumingly out but making a choice, no making a choice might save me from consequence, but I'll never learn anything. Not good.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

too perfect!

"The truth lies somewhere inside!"

Woah, this really sums up my thoughts effortlessly today

Still I sit here, waiting for something... Maybe flying and getting up on the table is the secret, the video makers think so.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Saturday, January 5, 2008

love and death?

Big words for little people.

I wrote a poem maybe sometime I'll share about words like that.

Evanesce does wuthering heights!


Thank you for your comments, they have been weigh as valuable opinion, but my heart will have to make the final choice, others can only touch my mind.


Here is a song I wrote in college for my composition recital.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Kate Bush

I love Kate bush and Tori Amos!

but this is something else. My dilemma is here as plain as can be expressed for the world to see. Wonder what I'll do.


e-mail your pick and why.

dating service hang up

Crime fighting server

Prank calls!

Then the funniest:


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I'm cold

So I'm going to go to bed. I have lots of private, secret thoughts today, but I found this and another video, but this one is too perfect:

The other was just morecrap about Emily Bronte, Life is going to be good for me this year. lots of building hope, and comming to terms with what I want. forget hat it is selfish to thinkabout what I want. I'm me, amd I'm cold. Bed looks warm, I'll want it, and get it! Cool! It's almost magical.

I'm cold

So I'm going to go to bed. I have lots of private, secret thoughts today, but I found this and another video, but this one is too perfect:

The other was just morecrap about Emily Bronte, Life is going to be good for me this year. lots of building hope, and comming to terms with what I want. forget hat it is selfish to thinkabout what I want. I'm me, amd I'm cold. Bed looks warm, I'll want it, and get it! Cool! It's almost magical.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Tsunami - not a sign

Someone clarified my thoughts about some coincidence a great deal in sharing a story about Tsunami's killing many unexpecting souls on no fault of their own, no lessons involved, just a tad of randomness.


Urrrgh! I did say a lot here, but left and am so mad at my parents right now I don't have the desire to finish it. I love the Bronte's though, they are a good example to me, though I find myself ever more confused by their ideas, I know they are part of me for a reason.

-M. Babcock